🌟 M: Motivational Mondays 🖥️ T: Tech Tuesdays🎇 W: Women On Wednesdays 🔢TH: Tallahassee Stats 🌴 F: Fun Florida + Viral
Tech Tues: Fogg Planetarium, Human Flights, FSU MSN + AI Program, Impact Week and TLH Tech Events!
Mon. Motivation: Leon County Recovery Resources, The Giving Pump at Shell, Impact Week, Networking + Business Events!
Tech Tues: FSU's New Mobile App, Tesla Cybertruck Journey, First Private Spacewalk, Impact Week and TLH Tech Events!
Mon. Motivation: Battle's End Vodka, JMI's Conf. Call for Speakers, Midtown Reader Expands, Impact Week, Networking + Business Events!
Florida Fri: Best Coastal Small Town in U.S., New Life Exhibit at ORL, Chef Leon at WCTV, & TLH Fun Events!
TLH Stat Thurs: Celebs From Tally | TLH City Data | Non-Profit Orgs
Women on Wed: Audrey Alexander as new FAMU'S new Police Chief, FSU defeated Florida, Pam Ridley passed away but leaves great memory.
Tech Tues: AI Algorithm + Strawberry Disease Detection | Alachua Chamber | Florida's Famous Tech Hubs |